
50+ years of Tradition

Our Little Red Schoolhouse

Educational Philosophy

All learning experiences are planned in accordance with the interest and ability levels of our students. In addition to the expertise of our teaching staff, lessons are created using the curricular guidelines from the Pennsylvania State Learning Standards for Early Childhood as well as The Creative Curriculum program. We seek to encourage positive feelings of self and instill a joy of learning. We feel that only as partners with parents can we make a vital contribution to the lives of the children in our care.

Our Classes

Each class is led by a degreed lead teacher and an assistant teacher. Daily activities within each class revolve around basic themes or concepts to be explored. Teachers provide monthly calendars of themes and activities to keep families informed of classroom happenings, and to serve as a springboard for extending learning at home. Throughout the year, we strive to enrich our everyday curriculum with other programs and events, including field trips, visits from community helpers/experts and seasonal celebrations. We enjoy school-wide themes such as Fire Prevention, Good Health, Good Nutrition and “We Love to Read.” Children enjoy “Superstar” status on a rotating basis. We give thanks

before snacks, we recognize holidays as diverse as our families, and our older children learn the Pledge of Allegiance. It’s a nurturing environment and one we hope to share with you.

We are pleased to offer a convenient mix of regularly scheduled classes with a variety of age-appropriate choices.


Board of Officers & Trustees

Staff & Administrators

Now Open

Registration for 2023-2024 School Year