The Young Threes program is a wonderful introduction to preschool for both child and parent. The program emphasizes the social and emotional growth of the individual child while providing an introduction to the school environment. Free play experiences, art activities, circle and storytime are integral parts of the program. Children eligible for this class should be 2 years 7 months by September 1st. All children must be toilet trained. The class holds a maximum of 12 students and meets two mornings each week.
Young Three's
The Young Threes program is a wonderful introduction to preschool for both child and parent. The program emphasizes the social and emotional growth of the individual child while providing an introduction to the school environment. Free play experiences, art activities, circle and storytime are integral parts of the program.
Children eligible for this class should be 2 years 7 months by September 1st.
All children must be toilet trained. The class holds a maximum of 12 students and meets two mornings each week.
Class Teachers
Meet our Young Three's Teachers!
Buffy Aniloff
Young 3’s Lead TeacherPatti Kelly
Young 3’s Assistant TeacherHeidi Van Vooren
Young 3’s Assistant Teacher